
Eventbrite similar sites
Eventbrite similar sites

It even has an advanced automatic wait list system for people wanting to get in on a specific event or group.

eventbrite similar sites

OpenSports makes it easy to recruit players for different positions, collect payment online, create memberships and discount programs, and write waivers when the legal need arises. The discovery tools in OpenSports also allow local players to find and join groups and events they are interested in. Organizers create public or private groups, set up events, and send invites for events to players in their group. It’s used for organizing and registering for pickup and drop-in sports events. OpenSports is a sports-specific meetup platform that’s available on the web, and as an app on iOS and Android mobile devices. You can even sell tickets to your event online. Groupspaces makes it easy to create events and synchronize them with your calendar and Facebook events. You can easily create email lists and manage your subscriptions, and archive everything from your group meetings online. You can create a group, post online membership forms, and collect membership dues from group members. ( Groupspaces is an alternative to Meetup which functions as a group-coordination and event-planning website. To learn more about Eventbrite, check out our course on Eventbrite. It also makes it easy to sell tickets and keep track of fees, all online. Though Eventbrite isn’t necessarily intended for regular group meetings, it can still bring people together with similar interests. Users can also register for events, using Eventbrite’s search engine to find events close to them, of a specific type, or within their budget. In a few simple steps, you can create an event, set up seating and ticket pricing, and then put the word out using social media to draw a crowd.

eventbrite similar sites eventbrite similar sites

( Eventbrite is a social platform used for hosting and registering for events, and is one of the most popular Meetup alternatives. Here at TechBoomers, we’ve compiled a list of sites like Meetup for you, so you can see exactly what the alternatives to Meetup are, how Meetup’s competition differs, and what these websites may have to offer you. If that’s the case, then look no further. You may be interested in Meetup or already be a member, but you may also be wondering if there are other websites or apps out there that may better meet your get-together needs.

Eventbrite similar sites